Tuesday, November 07, 2006


For all Americans...

You KNOW what today is, right? You have either already gone or you are going.... RIGHT?!

I did. I voted, and that's all I'm gonna say on the politics tip. I ain't tellin', I ain't fighten', I ain't sayin'. This blog is my "happy place." Just have a look at my super-dee-dooper cheerful flowers.

Have you voted yet?

For all my geekity friends...

I'm not in love with Blogger, shocking I know. Blogsome, Wordpress, TypePad.... I'm not against putting a little $$ down on this blogging thing. Y'all have any opinions? Be warned, I don't have the geek-spertise to run my own domain, and Dadguy is not amped about being my defacto tech support on a venture that demanding so I have to rely on a standard blog platfomitything. Something a sleep deprived monkey could run- that's about the speed I'm looking for.


Mama D said...

We had an election for city councillors and our city mayor on Oct 25th (I think). Anyway, I voted.

I also have looked at other options but I'm still here. Ultimately, it's easy and I'm used to it...

Anonymous said...

I've played with Wordpress on my own servers, I'm not thrilled with it. Blogger seems like the best one. Just wait, they have the Beta ready for general release now. I've not had issues lately with the Beta. It seems to work and it runs much faster than the old blogger.

I did buy the myblogisaboutnothing.com domain, just in case I move, but it just forwards to my blogspot blog.

Fantastagirl said...

I voted. Therefore when I disagree with how things are going later in the year I can COMPLAIN!

I'm thinking of moving to beta - if and when it ever lets me.

Anonymous said...

Right on! There is nothing more annoying than people who kvetch incessantly about the state of things and then can't be bothered to vote. I'm always thinking, You have NO RIGHT to say anything.

As for your bloggy question, I use a site hosting service called bluehost, which had an annual package with a bunch of stuff ( you can set up your own store, I think) and the free wordpress was part of it, as were a couple of other platforms. I took the basic template and played with it in Dreamweaver to get my site template. I did it this way because I'd actually gotten the package so I could host the site of a group I planned to start. That went nowhere, and I didn't want to waste the money. Anyway, it works well for me, but I don;t know that it's the most straightforward way to proceed; I haven't really compared programs.