- My parents... they put up with alot of heartbreaking crap from yours truly. Plus, having energetic floor monkeys of my own, I am further aware of the love they have for me and HAD TO have for me just to tolerate my survival.
- My darling Mr. Dadguy...and every time he apologizes to me for being"so crusty" or "grumpy" that day. Sure, if you know him you might notice a bit of the old taciturn about him... and he might yell at the girls if they kick him directly in the chin, but that's about all you'd notice of his taking out his "bad mood" on the world. He feels, don't get me wrong... he just tempers his output.
- My darling Mr. Dadguy...and the fact that he still thinks I'm hott... at least he acts like it, and that's what counts!
- My darling girlees... they keep me on my toes while wearing away any excess brain cells I have kicking around the old cranium. It's pretty tidy up there nowadays. Sparse anyhows.
- A great house. Sure there are things that I'd love to change about it, but it's relatively clean, warm and dry... plus it has several features to it that are very beautiful. Soon it will be even bigger once we finish the basement.
- Nice toys. We have all of our needs filled and several of our fun-funs. Most notable is the Twilight Zone pinball machine that we got a couple of months ago. I say "we" because although it started out as Dadguy's baby... that pinball has become a way of life in this household. We all play. Even me! Serious... occasionally I'll go and turn that bad boy on and have fun all by my lonesome till I get kicked off. Every night after dinner we head into the front room for pinball until it's time for baths.
- Freedom. I am grateful for my freedom and those who work to protect that freedom. Especially I am grateful for those who have died and are willing to die for this country. For me. I hope I can manage to do some thing good with this freedom I have been given.
Finally, I don't discuss this much... but I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven. Thankful to Him for all of His gifts and wonders.... but more than anything I am thankful He sent His Son. There are certain words and especially phases that can be a complete turn-off to folks who are religion sensitive... but I don't know how to say what I need to say about my feelings with out employing them. I feel very tenderly toward Jesus because of what he has done for me.
I have always wished that I just loved Him for who He was and that is all, but the fact is, He loved me first and He loved me best. He has nourished me. With Him, I can never be alone in my weakness or sorrow for He knows me and has healed my hurts. He knows my pains and frailties... and He loves me still. How can I not return this love? Yet I wished that I was a good enough person to simply love my Jesus. Don't try and correct me or temper what I have said, I know it for a simple and gut truth. Maybe it's just the way of it, but I know to my core that He loved me first. He still loves me more than I can ever love Him ...and there it is.
Very nicely put.
Hope you are having a great holiday.
It's no secret that I'm NOT a religious person, at least not in the traditional sense, but I appreciate your words.
You said "...I know it for a simple and gut truth." For me that's what it's all about. I think if a person feels their faith or beliefs as simple and gut truths, then they have found what they need, regardless of what they choose to call it.
Nice post.
Mrs. Nobody was surprised to find that she also enjoys pinball. And after playing a Twilight Zone in Vegas she wants one.
Very nice post.
I can't believe this is post 24 and you didn't post about the TV show.
Oh and... I'm not nearly as nice when I'm "crusty" as she says, for some reason it's not as bad for her to take. I hear a lot of "Daddy, why are you doing that fast?" from the oldest. She catches on quick.
But thanks for the happy thoughts anyhow. =)
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