Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Shoot Me

It's a good thing that I don't drink. I cannot even think the word "hangover" and listen to the high pitched yammering that begins precisely at 7:23am every morning. It goes and goes until we hit a snag at 7:32am and at least one of the Chaos girls will be screaming "miiiiiiiiine!"

Oh, my head. Somebody please just shoot me in the head.

15 minutes toward better race relations. Enjoy.


Bob said...

I feel hungover today (but I'm not). I went to bed last night with a raging headache, and woke up this morning to find it's still with me. How thoughtful of it to join me again today.

Fortunatly my kids were mostly quiet this morning. I'm hoping this bad boy will be gone before five o clock when their yelling will commence. Now I just need to find that jumbo bottle of Tylenol I left here...

Bob said...

Hey Bon, I tagged you.

Mama D said...

That was a funny video. How did you come across it? I would shoot you in the head but I like you too much! I think a backrub from Dadguy might be a cure all.

Anonymous said...

I've thought the same thing a lot reently. My kids have started waking each other up at 6 am then playing noisliy and running around the house screaming.

At least they're happy, but man, go back to bed!

Fantastagirl said...

I want a sound proof living room or something...it's just been so loud in our house lately...