Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Mr. Dadguy, an otherwise intelligent man and all-around good parent, has an alarming habit of giving the girls chocolate on the way out the door to church. In their good Sunday dresses. Both girls still do not get the concept of "napkin," preferring instead to wipe their pig-dog paws on whatever they are wearing.

Dadguy... I love you, but this has to stop.


Kathryn Thompson said...

Laylee is also a sleeve/shirt-front wiper. Drives me nutso.

Yes, that is why I am nutso.

The Absent Minded Housewife said...

Marshmallows. Use em, love em.

Heather said...

pig-dog paws! Insert snort of laughter!

Anonymous said...

So last night I got a warning, saying that I shoudln't be offended by the latest post.

I'm offended.


Marshmallows work if the kids actually EAT them. They are nasty once slobbered all over and then played with.

In my defense, it was one of those Oreo cookies with vanilla outside and chocolate inside. And the kids DIDN'T actually get them due to the mama's death stare. Sigh.