Sunday, October 30, 2005

Girlee Update

LaLa pronouces tea party as "pee potty" and adds "ie" to the end of most nouns. LaLa do you want some monkey juice?
"Muccky doocie doocie?"
She is a much tighter mirror of me and my verbal oddities than Birdie ever was. Poor LaLa.

Birdie did a fabulous ballet dance for everyone waiting in line at Little Ceasars the other nite. People describe her as "animated." I say she hasn't nor is likely ever to have any shame. The jury is out on whether that means "poor Birdie."

Pearl is running out of room and her kicks have become squggles. We are both getting waaaay to big.


Heather said...

Yay for the new blogger. I wanted to find out about you when you started posting comments on my blog. :) I'll be excited to read your stuff. When are you due?

bon said...

technically due on the 17th.

O, shoot my head in the head. Bleh.