Thursday, July 27, 2006


As Sushiboy so kindly pointed out in the comment section of my last post.... Dadguy's church calling is Executive Secretary to the Bishop, not Ward Clerk. I knew that.... I was just

suffering a brain bubble
like most of you care anyway

For anyone LDS? you probably know that there is a huge difference in duties and time investment. Keep in mind that I am the same girl who refers to Dadguys Home Teaching (done by men only) duties as his Visiting Teaching (done by women only). I am aware of the difference, but that doesn't stop me from transposing.

Basically Dadguy's Sunday starts at six in the ugly AM, and goes until around four in the afternoon. He also devotes his Wednesday evenings from 8:30 till whenever.

Plus the phonecalls that he must closet himself to make and take. The closeting purpose is twofold. First the Chaos are drawn to a person involved in a phonecall like a loud and needy moth to a lightbulb. Second, the secrets and sorrows of the folks who need to make appointments with the Bishop become infinitely more guessable with every little bit of information. The Bishop never, ever discusses any of that with Dadguy, but as the folks wait around for their appointment to see the Bishop...
they often do. Or drop broad hints. I know this because Dadguy has told me in a general way that they do, and I have to say, that for a couple who can't keep a Birthday gift a secret or a surprise for more than three days? We do good with leaving everyone else's secrets alone. Mostly I just don't want to know. Sometimes people talk to me about the happenings in the Ward, and I realise that I am one of the last people to know about this divorce, that problem with a wayward child, this mental illness, that difficulty with moral issues... frankly I like it that way. I have become the queen of the skip button when listening to our answering machine, and unaccountably absent minded when clearing the caller ID.

I am mostly OK with the way things are... after all as Stephanie also pointed out in the comments... it really could be worse. The Chaos don't know the difference, and once when the Bishop called Dadguy at home Birdie answered the phone... she handed the phone to Dadguy and said,
"Here daddy, it's your friend the Bishop"


Bob said...

Wow, that's dedication! Sounds like Dadguy puts in a lot of time at the church.

What ever happened to that whole day of rest thing??

Mama D said...

Now I feel like a turd for griping about Peters occasional weekend playing guitar at church. I find the time he needs to put into practicing a bit difficult as well as having to go to church alone with my ONE child... What a suck I am! You rock. But I already knew that...

Amber said...

'your frind the bishop...' How sweet is that?