Friday, March 10, 2006

Tree Angel

While LaLa takes a nap, and I sit in my Chair with a swaddled and nursing Pearl, Birdie and I watch the trailers at the beginning of the Lion King Video. They are advertising George of the Jungle part two. It appears to star some Brendan Frazier look alike guy, and he does look an awful LOT like Mr. Frazier... but they do not ever actually say his name, and he is a big enough star that I think he'd get himself some billing if he were in this newest incarnation of the "George" saga.

I meander.

He does his signature "AHAHhaAAAAAHHHH!" and smashes into an enormous jungley tree trunk, and as his body falls off cartoon-like, the tree is left with the impression of a mans body.

Birdie turns to me and says, part statement part question, "he swinged on that.... leaf?"

"That's a vine honey." I say, and because I am a smugly helpful scholastamom I then ask, "what letter does the word vine start with?" Really, I promise that they did the letter "V" in the pre-school this week, I'm not always so annoying. Always.

She looks at me and I can see that I have derailed her thought, but she is a trooper and gives me a "vuh-vuh-vuh-vine, the letter "V" mama!"
Quiet a minute, she regards the TV screen which is now displaying the George of the Jungle II logo. Then she turns to me with her face alight again and says with Birdie animation "He swinged on the vine and SMASHED into the tree," here she whams a fist into her other hand, "and he made a tree angel!"

Letter "V", indeed!


Bob said...

Now that's a great story! I laughed for a bit at this one. Kids say the funniest stuff sometimes.

Fantastagirl said...

I love it! I am always surprised at what the little ones will come up with - btw - the girls pics are sooooo cute... and I am going to be the one who embarasses my kids... and can't wait!

Mama D said...

Your stories always make eager for Audrey to talk. I can't wait to hear the crazy stuff she'll come up with.

Mise en Place said...

It's amazing how their little minds work, lol.

Anonymous said...

Heh heh -- tree angel. :-)

Anonymous said...

that's too cute!

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh at this one, Bon. Bizzy Izzy was making "water angels" in the bathtub last night with great enthusiasm. "Princess Mom-mother-mommy", foolishly seated nearby on the toilet was soaked. But she was in such rapture, I couldn't do anything other than laugh, and mop up after.

Lei said...

How funny. Apparently angels can be made just about anywhere. :)

Rachelle said...

LOL! What a cutie! A tree angel!

Lynanne said...

Tree angel - I *love* it! Such a perceptive cutie! I love the pictures also. Your little ones are so photogenic.

Thanks for the comment on my blog, btw! I'm finally catching up and have been having so much fun reading your blog. What a treasure!