Tuesday, March 31, 2020




It's Taco Tuesday and I decided that some Del Taco discount tacos are the way to go for dinner. Nevermind that one kid will only eat the burritos, the other kid will only eat a burger and the husband will only eat the fries.... it's Taco Tuesday dang it, and that's what we're calling what I got.

So there is a monster line... cuz "Coronavirus," and drive-thru is all that's available, and everyone likes to eat them some cheap tacos. The line is so long it actually cuts in front of one of the two entrances to the parking lot that serves the restaurant and the little strip mall next to it. I'm appalled at the dude in the black pick up just ahead of me who just pulls forward and blocks the entrance to the parking lot. 


So I make sure to leave just enough room for a car to get in or out of the entrance and still be apparent that I'm next in line. Honestly? There are two more cars behind me, so it seems pretty much a no-brainer. I'm being polite.

Anyways, some jerk-head in a white truck pulls in off the street, he's moving slow and it sort of looks like he's gonna just get into the drive-thru line ahead of me, so I honk. Doesn't even look around, and sure enough blocks my way and just cuts the line. 

I just.

I cannot social-distance ENOUGH today. 

I also noticed that no one else behind me left a space after that. Blocked, baby, blocked!

1 comment:

FatCyclist said...

Must... Not... Stereotype... Truck... Owners...

Actually, as the driver of the quintessential midlife-mobile, be it far from me to disparage a man's chosen mode of transportation. At least I try not to be "that guy" with varied degrees of success.