Sunday Pic: Gratitude
I spent some time this afternoon writing Thank You notes for folks who have assisted Chaos this past while... I'm not done yet... and I haven't got addresses for some of you. But we are some blessed folks. J.D. from Tripping Over Cobblestones sent out a care package with magazines for me, and some shades for the girlo. The glasses, which had rose colored lenses, are broken already... but not before LaLa had the opportunity of putting them on and remarking to me how big and pink my bummie was. Nobody sent Dadguy and I a gift certificate for iTunes... for new music to cheer us up. Elizasmom sent a GC for Amazon. The "mom" part of Mom and Pop came to visit bringing a book and a toy. Sarah came to visit, bringing cheer and good conversation. Jo of TangledMe visited with gifts.... and now Mama D has weighed in with gifts all around! These wands and wings for the older girls, a dolly for Pearl and some Aveda haircare products for moi!
Dude... that's just the folks who have websites that I can link to! Y'all are some huge-hearted and awesome folks.
I have also had some new people come by to visit the bloggy and leave happy and kind words of support in addition to my longertime friends. My only regret is that I am so disorganised and so much shorter on spare time that I don't get by to say hey back to them. Or leave regular or better comments on YOUR blogs. I feel like so much is being done on our behalf.... I hope I am not overlooking anyone and that if I have, believe me, we are sooo grateful for all that is being done.
Just one other thing.... I am looking for a good pediatric dentist. Somehow Birdie smashed/popped/levered out one of her bottom-front teeth, tonite after lights out. She says she was biting on a plastic, Happy Meal figurine of Peter from the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Only she insists that he is "Link" from Legend of Zelda. Anyway she was biting on him when she tripped? Fell? Was jumping on her bed?
Almost the whole tooth is out, but it looks like there may yet be a splinter of the root left in her gums. So if you know anyone in the Valley....
Yeah, I know. The hits just keep coming. Wheee!
Yesterday I tracked the package on the Canada Post website and I knew you'd be getting it soon. I'm so glad if you all liked everything. I forgot to explain the blue oil so here is a link to explain better than I could anyway. Oh except that - don't get it in your eyes. And it is fabulous on the temples, neck and under the nose. Try under the nose!!
My mom and sister swear by this dentist located in Mapleton. That's not far drive from you! They really like him.
I'm LOVIN Birdie's pose in that second picture! That vogueing- how cute is that??
We've had success with the pediatric dentist down on Main Street over there by...what is it by....the police station or something? I forget. Anyway, on Main Street. Sunshine LOVES it there, and even Cricket tolerated a cleaning without too much drama. Sunshine had no problem getting some cavities filled, though Cricket's cavities required total lights-out treatment--him being Cricket and all.
But the staff are all very friendly, it's VERY child-oriented and "fun" (as much as a dentist can be) and as far as I can tell they do good work.
your kids are superadorable.
And you have awesome friends.
I take this to mean that you too are an awesome woman. Mostly because it's true!
It must've been Peter, Link would never hurt a lady like that!
That second pic looks like the makings of a good album cover.
may the healing continue!
Yeah for fun things in the mail! and fun people that send wands and wings!! They are sooo adorable!
quite interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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